What Are 5 Developmentally Appropriate Activities For Preschoolers?

What Are 5 Developmentally Appropriate Activities For Preschoolers?

Jun 01, 2022

Many parents have caught themselves thinking that children grow up so fast. While growth is anticipated, very few parents have proactively planned out the immediate futures of their young ones. It entails more than just having savings account for their college education.

You have to think about the many small milestones your child has to make to transition into the adult you envision. Part of that entails mastering your child’s developmental needs at different levels. The older your child gets, the more progress you should notice in their general development.

Understanding Development for Children

Development and growth are similar, but they are not the same. Although your child may be growing, they may not normally be developing. Some of the main checkers of development are:

  1. Physical growth – covers various factors about a child, about body changes. Some milestones include weight gain and height changes.
  2. Language development – children learn their first language from home. How you communicate with your child will inspire the language they speak. However, you have to be keen to ensure they become coherent with phrases enough for them to hold a reasonable conversation. As your child ages, they should better express themselves and communicate their needs.
  3. Cognitive development – concerns your child’s ability to think, reason, and solve problems. Cognitive development is one of the primary reasons parents consider taking up infant learning programs in Houston. Such programs introduce your child to numbers, letters, patterns, science, and even physics.
  4. Emotional and social development – an all-around developed child has developed as matters to emotional management and social skills. Your child should be learning key aspects like teamwork, sharing, making friends, conflict resolution, and conforming to set rules. While at it, your child should maintain individuality and independence, reducing their likelihood of being easily influenced by people around them.
  5. Sensory and motor development – covers the ability to move and use ligaments and body parts appropriately. Your child should be able to use the hands and fingers to perform small and big tasks. A great way to notice progress is when your child learns to use a spoon and fork themselves or even draw.

What Are Developmentally Appropriate Learning Activities?

Developmentally appropriate learning ensures that children gain relevant skills fundamental for the different facets of their development yet are not bombarded with too much information before they are old enough. It means exposing your child to the appropriate amount of learning necessary for their age.

The activities that can foster developmental learning are different for all age groups. As a parent, it is your responsibility to oversee the activities, ensuring that your child is learning as much as they should while allowing the freedom for creativity and exploration. This is where you have to determine to homeschool your child or seek help from educators at MBS Kids Early Learning Academy.

Things You Would See in a Developmentally Appropriate Classroom

Various educators incorporate different activities and tools to foster developmentally appropriate learning for infants and toddlers. Some of them include:

  1. Arts and crafts – builds creativity among kids, creating lots of room for problem-solving and reasoning.
  2. Math – children learn math very early, which revolves around counting and sorting.
  3. Storybooks – learning to read and recognize letters is a big part of learning language and fostering cognitive development.
  4. Gardening – encourages exploring while reinforcing motor skills.
  5. Swimming and other physical activities – are perfect for introducing children to new environmental variables like life in the water while fostering their motor and sensory development.

The Goal of Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practice

The benefits of applying developmentally appropriate activities for your child are endless, including the following:

  1. To excel in childhood learning.
  2. To foster holistic development.
  3. To identify any health anomalies your child may have – the best way to know if your child has special needs or impairments is through developmentally appropriate practices.
  4. To encourage creativity by finding new hobbies and interests.
  5. To develop identity and foster individuality.
  6. To create a community by ensuring your child learns about making friends, standing out while fitting in, conflict resolution, sharing, and decision making.
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